Crystals for Money

Crystals for Money

There are so many reasons why you may want to manifest more wealth into your life…

Maybe it's because the cost of living is so high... 

Maybe you have some old stories about money, wealth, or scarcity that you need to let go of to write a new story…

Maybe you need to put a newfound focus on your career or side hustle… 

Maybe you feel like you’re on the hamster wheel working, working, working, but always so behind on bills and goals…

Maybe your resolution for 2023 was financial freedom…

Whatever your story is, here are 7 crystals for money with abundant and prosperous energy!


citrine for money

Citrine is the sunshine crystal - bringing brightness and warmth into your life. Along with that, Citrine's energy attracts abundance, prosperity, and success. It will help you release any fear or self-doubt that is keeping you from making the financial and business moves that would serve you best.


pyrite for money

Pyrite is known as the crystal for money and good luck. This powerful crystal will aid you in manifesting abundance and wealth as well as release any fear, anger, or resentment blocks. This allows you to feel confident in the actions you take and promotes optimism and faith that it will all work out for you in the end.

Tiger Eye

tiger eye for money

Tiger Eye is a stone of courage and strength. If you are feeling stressed about money, work, or managing your finances, Tiger Eye can boost your confidence and your ability to focus on your goals. It's considered lucky and a bringer of prosperity.

Moss Agate

moss agate for money

Moss Agate connects you to earth energy, which really opens up the flow of possibility and prosperity. This peaceful stone will boost both confidence and optimism as you manifest abundance and opportunity. If you're feeling down about money, Moss Agate can offer a little pick-me-up.

Green Aventurine

green aventurine for money

Green Aventurine is a good luck crystal that's particularly good at inspiring and amplifying creative abilities and ideas ... but not only for artists ... for anyone needing creative ideas for business, finances, etc. It attracts abundance and prosperity on the outside and encourages growth on the inside.


malachite for money

If you feel like there's something blocking your growth and holding you back from your full potential (including but not limited to finances), Malachite's protective and empowering qualities help you figure out what's blocking you and shows you how to create positive transformation and healing. Encourages abundance!

Bumblebee Jasper

bumblebee jasper for money

Bumblebee Jasper is a strong and uplifting stone that helps you manifest whatever your financial goals may be, even if they feel impossible to you right now. It will boost your courage and push you to stretch and grow so you can create a life that is of the highest good for yourself and other.

Which crystal for money is right for me?

The best abundance-attracting crystal for you is ultimately the one you feel called to! Not sure what that is yet?

—Look through Bloom Crystals’ website to find what you like; you can browse by crystal, by color, or by form (towers, spheres, jewelry, etc.).

—Follow Bloom Crystals’ Instagram for educational posts on types of crystals and ways to use them. 

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