Crystals for Creativity

Crystals for Creativity

“A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life. Living in this manner—continually and stubbornly bringing forth the jewels that are hidden within you—is a fine art, in and of itself.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert

Every person is creative, even the ones who don't think they are.

Sure, we have the obvious creative pursuits - like painting, writing, dancing, or playing music.

But we also have day-to-day activities that require a little imagination and new ideas - from cooking to gardening.

Then we have the projects that don't seem creative at first glance, but definitely are. Like figuring out how to make your employees happier and more efficient or coming up with new ways to help your child learn how to read.

If you want to feel more creative in your daily life - especially if you've exchanged  the joy of baking or strumming a guitar for only practical to-do list items - here are 8 crystals for creative to get your juices flowing once again!

Rainbow Fluorite 

rainbow fluorite crystal for creativity

Let's start out with one of the most excellent crystals for creativity. The rejuvenating quality of Rainbow Fluorite helps anyone get out of a creative rut. It sharpens mental clarity and eases your stress, so you feel aligned with your creative inspiration.

Flower Agate

flower agate crystals for creativity

Flower Agate is a calming crystal that stills your mind enough to allow you to tap into your "muse" or "divine guidance" that offers inspired ideas. Flower Agate also improves concentration and focus, so you don't get as easily distracted.

Peach Moonstone 

peach moonstone crystals for creativity

Peach Moonstone is called the stone for new beginnings - and what else is creativity but a new beginning?! This crystal increases your creative intuition and opens up the mind to insight. If you're looking for the spark to get you going, Peach Moonstone is for you!


malachite crystals for creativity

Malachite is a heart opener, and that quality makes it perfect for boosting creativity. It's a very empowering crystal that helps you notice any creative blocks (so you can knock them down!) while encouraging you to go intensely after your creative dreams and inspiration.


citrine crystals for creativity

Citrine has a bright, happy energy that helps you see your true potential and creative power. It re-energizes you when you feel like you've lost steam and helps you attract abundance. Citrine shines a light on your creative abilities and helps you feel excited and happy to pursue them.


carnelian crystals for creativity

Carnelian's gift to your creative endeavors is its boldness. Want to take risks in your creative projects? Want to make bolder moves and feel less scared about what people might thing? Want to feel motivated to take the creative actions of your dreams? Carnelian, Carnelian, Carnelian. 


larimar crystals for creativity

Larimar is an enlightening crystal. It boosts your creativity and opens up your mind to new ideas. It's known as a communication crystal, which is so valuable no matter what type of creative project you're working on - you'll be more clear and precise in your message.

Bumblebee Jasper

bumblebee jasper crystals for creativity

Bumblebee Jasper is all about manifesting the "impossible." It brings positive inspiration and encourages you to persevere in any goal. Will help remove creative blocks as it encourages you to grow in your creative skills. This crystal brings a sense of ease and joy to whatever it is you're working on.

Which crystal for creativity is right for me?

The best inspiring crystal for you is ultimately the one you feel called to! Not sure what that is yet?

—Look through Bloom Crystals’ website to find what you like; you can browse by crystal, by color, or by form (towers, spheres, jewelry, etc.).

—Follow Bloom Crystals’ Instagram for educational posts on types of crystals and ways to use them.  

crystals for creativity

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